Showing: 11 - 15 of 25 Articles
The Strategic Planner and Daily Agenda

Immediately improved my day with the beautiful Day Designer

I recently purchased a Day Designer planner and daily agenda and I have to say I am so so happy I did!!! I searched for ages for a really nice planner as I love the paper kind (I’m not into electronic diaries so much) and I finally stumbled upon the Day Designer, I think via …

Braid and ponytail

Mummy hair…quick and easy but still pretty

Even though I’m staying at home a lot of the time at the moment, if I do my hair I at least still feel pretty and good about myself. Plus it’s more practical at the moment to have my hair pulled back and out of my face. Loving every moment with our new little girl …

Check out my belly basket ball

10 things they don’t tell you before you’re pregnant…

Okay so I’m 39 weeks pregnant and my baby has given me several false alarms over the last two weeks and I’m kind of getting a bit tired and over it now…as most pregnant women would understand at this stage. So in my cheesy state, I decided to write a post about all the weird …

ASOS maternity dress and shoes

What to do while you’re waiting for your baby to arrive…

Yesterday we decided to head out locally to check out our new corner store. It was great to meet some locals and see the new shop…and to be part of our cute little community. I also had fun getting dressed and doing my hair, funnily enough. It is because I’m mostly hanging out at home …

36 weeks and counting down…

I was going to put a nice photo of myself up today but with a pimple on my chin I wisely decided against it…hence you get to look at a lovely unknown woman instead, drinking coffee and looking quite pleased with herself. It’s Australia Day today and unfortunately the weather is a bit so so…hence …

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