Showing: 21 - 24 of 24 Articles
Bathroom pregnant belly selfie

My latest belly shot

I’m getting towards the end of my pregnancy now and it’s getting a little harder every day to keep up my energy…especially with a toddler around the house. I am, however, still trying to dress somewhat nicely and do my hair and look after my skin etc. Continuing on with my morning routine of meditation, …

The New Year

Yesterday was a relaxed, yet big day for me. I woke up thinking I needed to bin a lot of old things in my life and went about doing just that after I got up. It could be that I’m eight months pregnant and feel the need to nest or perhaps it is just because …

Hello world!

Can’t believe I just set up my own blog! It’s the first day of January 2016 and I want to start the year off with a bang i.e. I’m jumping in with both of my left feet 😉 Still not really sure what I’m doing or how this is going to work but I decided …

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